Flock together.
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And Tennesseans for Student Success:
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Flock together.
More on SCORE:
And Tennesseans for Student Success:
For more on education politics and policy in Tennessee, follow @TNEdReport
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A new advocacy group focused on countering corporate education reformers in Tennessee announced its formation this week. Calling itself TREE (Tennesseans Reclaiming Educational Excellence), the group is focused on advocating for quality investment in schools, accountability and transparency in the education system, and local control of schools.
The group is at odds with many of the heavily-funded major players in Tennessee education — StudentsFirst, Stand for Children, Tennessee Federation for Children/Beacon Center, and others.
Unlike those groups, which receive significant funding from out-of-state special interest groups and foundations, TREE is a grassroots, citizen-funded group born in Tennessee.
It will be interesting to see what, if any, impact TREE’s presence has on issues like school vouchers and a state charter school authorizer.
Here’s their announcement press release: