StudentsFirst, one of the leading proponents of school vouchers in Tennessee, has a new name.
Jason Gonzales reports:
Pro-voucher student choice group StudentsFirst Tennessee has changed its name to TennesseeCAN as part of working as an official member of the 50CAN: The 50-State Campaign for Achievement Now network.
TennesseeCAN will function as a new organization whose legislative agenda, policy priorities, staff and underlying mission remains unchanged, according to a news release from the group.
StudentsFirst has been one of several organizations supporting legislation to create school voucher programs in Tennessee. These so-called “opportunity scholarships” use public money to pay a qualifying student’s private school tuition. Despite millions in spending on campaigns and lobbying, a broad voucher plan has yet to pass the General Assembly.
A very limited voucher plan focused on a narrowly-defined group of special needs students is now in effect in Tennessee.
More on vouchers:
What TN Can Learn from Louisiana on Vouchers
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