Fitzhugh Talks Huffman

Shortly after it was announced that Tennessee Commissioner of Education Kevin Huffman is leaving his post, House Democratic Leader Craig Fitzhugh issued the following statement:

“In 2010 Democrats and Republicans passed Race to the Top. We had buy-in from teachers, parents, students and other stakeholders setting us on a path for real improvements in public education. While the hard work of our teachers has certainly produced some positive results, these outcomes would be much greater without the culture of hostility and mistrust created by the Department of Education.
Now we need to reset the conversation. Tennessee will never see real, lasting change until we stop blaming teachers and start addressing root problems. Our schools are underfunded, our teachers are underpaid and we aren’t talking about poverty and parental involvement–two key factors in student improvement. Our hope is that Governor Haslam’s new Commissioner of Education understands these issues and shares our commitment to addressing them going forward.
House Democrats stand ready to work with Governor Haslam, his new appointee and all those who value public education. Though we often disagreed, we thank Commissioner Huffman for his service and wish him the best as he returns to the private sector.”
Fitzhugh has been a frequent critic of the current education reform agenda pushed by Huffman.
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2 thoughts on “Fitzhugh Talks Huffman

  1. Amen. When it comes to education reform in
    Tennessee, poverty and parent involvement are never mentioned. We teachers can’t shoulder the burdens of society by ourselves. I teach 186 high school students right now. Approximately 36 more than last year. I have had no pay raise, yet I have much more responsibility. Huffman treated teachers horribly. Hope Haslam has a better choice in mind. Haslam already reneged on his promise to raise teachers’ salaries. I am a teacher and I do not trust Haslam. There is NOTHING he has done to make my job easier.

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