Nashville blogger T C Weber has had enough of the Tennessee Department of Education’s excuse-making over the ongoing TNReady fiasco.
Here’s what he has to say:
For those of you new to the game, let me give you a recap. This was supposed to be the year that everything was going to be different. But it didn’t take long for things to go awry. Within hours of beginning the administration of the test, the online testing platform failed. A mad scramble to affix blame ensued with the Department of Education ultimately deciding that pencil and paper would be the way to go. But in order to do that, schools would need to receive supplies in a timely manner, and now, that’s not happening either.
This is becoming a complete and utter fiasco. Some schools are having to change testing schedules for the third time. What that translates to is a loss of valuable instructional time and a huge inconvenience for children and teachers. It also fails to take into account special programs like field trips and such. One school in Chattanooga has two field trips scheduled for the end of April during dates they are now supposed to hold for testing. I guess they’ll have to cancel. Why are students going to be punished because adults failed to do their job?
He says more, but the post reminds me of the old adage: The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
More on TNReady:
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And TC doesn’t even teach, even though he sympathizes. You can imagine how sick real teachers are.
Students keep asking if these tests “count.” Nobody wants to give them a real answer.
Everything he said is true. A lot of people were thinking it. I’m curious how the scores will turn out. If it is anything like I observed, we won’t be the fastest rising state anymore. Or, will the state put their fingers on the scale to make the scores look better. We wouldn’t ever know. Better yet, come up with another excuse. We’ll see when these come back in August…or is it September.
How about TN Never?