TN PTA Takes on TNReady

As the legislature grinds to a halt over the TNReady testing issue, the Tennessee PTA weighs-in.

Here’s their statement:

Tennessee PTA supports legislative solutions that can be passed by the Tennessee General Assembly before this session ends to respond to the TNReady testing issues quickly.

Tennessee PTA has the following concerns about the recent TNReady tests:

  • the inability for some students to submit answers and essays;
  • the inability to submit tests in a timely manner;
  • the electronic component of the recall test feature activated the next day has the potential for students to change answers;
  • typos on paper tests that may cause students to pick the wrong answers; and;
  • TVAAS scoring data for a three-year teacher evaluation based on this year’s test scores.

We believe these concerns justify invalidating all reporting for this school year on all TNReady test scores and invalidating TVAAS scoring to be included in teacher three-year testing evaluation.

And more importantly, our youth have been subjected to online cyber-attacks and still enduring test anxiety for scores that will count for nothing.

The Tennessee PTA believes in testing accountability, but the class time missed and the lack of new material not introduced during this time should be considered a deterrent to student achievement and to the social emotional well-being of students. We continue to support and educate parents to advocate for what their children need to be successful in school and in life.

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One Step Further

On the heels of the announcement from the Tennessee Department of Education that TNReady testing was being suspended for grades 3-8, Williamson County Director of Schools Mike Looney went one step further and suspended end of course testing for high school students in his district.

Here’s the email he sent yesterday:

You are an incredible group of professionals and I am exceedingly proud of your work. This year has been full of surprises and uncertainty as it relates to state assessment and yet you still have prepared students for success. Your work is important and matters. I am proud of you.

Unfortunately, sometimes events happen outside of our direct control. Today the Commissioner of Education announced the suspension of Part II of the TnReady/TCAP Assessment in grades 3-8.

In addition, because of my continued concerns, I am suspending End of Course tests at the high school level.

I truly believe in the importance of measuring student progress. It is, from my perspective, a critical piece of our work. And I look forward to us being able to appropriately assess students as soon as possible.

Mike Looney


For more on education politics and policy in Tennessee, follow @TNEdReport