Collierville’s School Board recently joined the chorus of those expressing concerns over the state’s new A-F Report Card for schools. Interestingly, the legislative sponsor of the idea is also now calling for a delay in the plan.
The Commercial Appeal reports:
Collierville’s school district voted Tuesday evening to lobby against a new state accountability system that assigns schools a letter grade from A through F, and leaders of some other Memphis-area school systems are likewise raising concerns.
The article notes that district leaders in Millington and Germantown are also concerned about the new system.
For its part, the Department of Education says:
“We are currently gathering feedback on the framework and will not finalize the individual measures or weighting of these measures until April, when we submit our plan to the U.S. Department of Education as part of a new federal process.”
Based on the initial feedback, it looks like the plan is headed for a grade of “F” from educators.
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