Where do Lizzette’s loyalties lie?
Commissioner of Education Lizzette Reynolds has not only failed miserably at her job, but also continues to skirt state law.
Reynolds is not a certified teacher and has zero teaching experience – even though state law requires that the Commissioner of Education (who is paid a quarter of a million dollars a year) be qualified to teach in and lead the schools over which she has authority.
Reynolds is the first Commissioner in the nearly 100 years since laws were passed requiring teaching credentials for the role to NOT have them on day one. And she still doesn’t.
The latest problem? Taking trips paid for by lobbyists – which is clearly against state ethics laws.
State Rep. Caleb Hemmer of Nashville filed a formal ethics complaint about Reynolds’ out-of-state travel paid for by Jeb Bush’s education privatization group ExcelInEd.
The trip begs the question: Is Reynolds working for Tennesseans or is she a wholly-owned subsidiary of privatizers like Bush?
The good news (so far) is that despite her best efforts, Reynolds failed to advance Bill Lee’s school voucher agenda.
The bad news? She’s still collecting a Tennessee taxpayer-funded paycheck.