At a working session last night, the Knox County School Board announced a collaborative effort to push for transparency in the Tennessee Value-Added Assessment System (TVAAS). The idea is to ensure that teachers understand the inputs that create the value-added score that makes up 50% of their overall evaluation in the TEAM model.
From Tamara Shepherd via KnoxViews:
Finally, the board is collaborating on a resolution to be delivered to the legislature to urge, if I understood correctly, legislators’ assistance in ensuring that the mechanics of TVAAS be made understandable to teachers.
Some conversation ensued concerning the potential for employing a different model for measuring student growth if Sanders/TVAAS cannot honor the resolution’s request, given that TVAAS is proprietary property
Bill Sanders, creator of TVAAS, has been reluctant to give much detail about TVAAS over the years. As the story explains, it seems that there could be a push for using a different model that is more transparent if the current value-added model can’t be made transparent.
While there are doubts about the validity and reliability of TVAAS data in general, at the very least, the method for arriving at a teacher’s score should be made transparent.
Lots of other happenings at the meeting. Read more here.
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