Jason Vance, Director of Schools in Loudon County.
Jason claimed victory in Education Commissioner Madness.
The contest was a fun way to take a look at who might be Tennessee’s next Commissioner of Education.
Vance posted a brief statement after his victory about what’s important in the next Commissioner.
He mentions the need for increased teacher compensation, improved professional development, and clear and direct communication between the Department of Education and school district leaders.
As the candidate who emerged as the finalist from the policymakers and advocates side of the bracket, let me say that I’m honored to have received support round after round. I also want to congratulate Jason on his victory.
I believe the next Commissioner of Education should be a Tennessee educator who is committed to putting students first and who understands the challenges teachers face every day. Jason definitely meets that standard.
The contest also allowed me to learn more about the outstanding work going on in schools all around Tennessee. It has been exciting to hear about what so many of Tennessee’s school leaders are doing every single day to improve the quality of education in our state.
It is my belief that when these leaders are supported with investment in their schools and in the personnel that staff them, Tennessee students will achieve amazing results.
It is long past time to fix Tennessee’s broken BEP.
Adjusting the funding formula is not enough. New investment must be made in order to give our students the resources they need to succeed.
The next education commissioner should be a tireless advocate for our schools and students. It has been great to see so many outstanding leaders who make this their life’s work.
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