Return of the Dump Truck

It looks like Tennessee’s TNReady vendor Questar is having problems in New York — again!

The New York PTA issued this press release yesterday following continued problems with online testing there:

NYS PTA is highly disappointed with the recent announcement that the computer based testing system of New York’s testing vendor, Questar Assessment, has failed again, after having serious issues in 2018 as well.

We call for a review of the contract with Questar, as we have little faith that they can provide New York with the services outlined therein. We also call for a review of the computer based testing program, and it’s future implementation, especially until these issues are solved.

We hope today’s problems do not affect children, and know that districts and SED will do their best to ensure that. Questar’s failure put unnecessary stress and anxiety on children, and that is unacceptable.

Tennessee parents can be reassured because our state paused testing for a year and fired the offending vendor.

Oh, wait. No, we didn’t. We followed up last year’s pack of lies with this year’s preemptive excuse-making.

Now there’s this statement from the TN Department of Education:

“We are working with the vendor to determine if the events that occurred in New York could happen in Tennessee and will assess appropriate action as soon as the root cause of the New York incident is known.” —Tennessee education department spokeswoman AE Graham

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