Yes, It’s the Guns

An educator asks us to dig deeper

In the wake of the latest school shooting, educator and blogger Peter Greene asks us to consider some things.

First, it IS the guns.

Second, there’s more.

It’s the guns. It has always been the guns. It’s the worship of a distorted view of the Second Amendment that says your right to own the means of killing other humans matters more than my child’s right not to be killed. Your pursuit of happiness beats my life and liberty. Heck, just last week, a conservative federal district judge ruled that there’s a Second Amendment right to own a machine gun. We’re about to mark the anniversary of 9/11, an event so shocking that we still tightly regulate riding on an airplane. 

Greene adds that the heat of our rhetoric is also problematic:

I have to believe that it’s past time to look hard at our own culture. It’s not just that the past fifteen or so years have seen the country more divided and polarized. It’s how some of us talk about that polarization.

We’re going to destroy the opposition, obliterate them, use power and force to dominate them and silence them, drive them out of the public arena. So many of our conflicts are discussed with the language of violence and war. This is not new, but the intensity and frequency is.

He notes:

We don’t talk about how to get along with people that we think are wrong. We talk about how to wipe them out.

And if you are young, it has been like this for most of your life. 

It’s hard to argue with his conclusion.

It’s also hard to argue that policymakers make kids a priority.

Not only do we continue to see lack of action on gun violence, but we also see policymakers who fail to invest in schools – and in the teachers in those schools.

We see a crisis in the Department of Children’s Services that continues to fester.

We see a failure to provide free meals at school to all kids, every day.

Our policies indicate our priorities – and for policymakers in Tennessee and in many parts of the country, kids just aren’t a priority.

MORE on Guns in Schools

TN Lawmakers All Talk, No Action on Guns in Schools

Lt. Gov. Offers Band-Aid Instead of Answers


That’s the percentage of teachers who would encourage someone else to enter the profession

A recent story indicates that the long-running and persistent teacher shortage is not improving.

In fact, one recent survey of teachers found this disturbing stat:

Today, only 16% of teachers said they’d recommend the profession to others

This comes just two years after a survey of teachers that indicated most don’t want their own children to enter the teaching profession:

Just 37% of respondents in the national, random-sample survey would want a child of theirs to become a public school teacher in their community.

This pair of data points paints a disturbing story: Teachers are overwhelmed and no longer see the job as one they’d wish on someone else.

In fact, not only are teachers actively leaving the profession, but school systems are also seeing a shortage of qualified applicants to replace them.

Teachers cite two primary reasons for the crisis: lack of support and low pay.

Policymakers in Tennessee and across the nation have been warned about this problem for years. And have done and continue to do little to address it.

It’s a policy choice. And it says making investments in public schools – and by extension, the kids who attend them – is not worth it.

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Schwinn loses Florida job in spending scandal

Former Nebraska U.S. Senator Ben Sasse recently resigned his position as President of the University of Florida amid a spending scandal. Among the allegations are increased travel spending and hiring associates who worked remotely – in Nebraska, DC, and Nashville, among other locations.

That Nashville hire? Former TN Education Commissioner Penny Schwinn.

WUSF reports:

UF also disclosed this week that – since Sasse’s resignation – it has terminated the jobs of four of six of the employees whose travel records it provided, and a fifth resigned.

It also fired at least one other senior Republican appointee by Sasse, Penny Schwinn, who had been allowed to work as vice president for K-12 education from her home in Tennessee for a salary of $367,500. It agreed to pay her three months’ salary, or about $92,000, when it fired her, effective July 31. Schwinn was the former Republican commissioner of education for Tennessee.

It’s not the first time Schwinn has experienced travel troubles:

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The School Voucher Fight in Kentucky

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On Charter School Accountability

Once opened, charter schools are rarely closed

Part of the supposed allure of charter schools is that they are held accountable. Some proponents even suggest they have more accountability than traditional public schools. After all, based on poor performance, a school board or charter authorizer can close a charter school.

Except that rarely happens.

Instead, as Peter Greene points out with an example from Pennsylvania, once opened, charter schools are rarely forced to close. And, even if an authorizer does take action to close the school, legal battles can keep a school open for years.

The charter system was sold with the idea that charters would be accountable to authorizers, that they would have to earn the right to operate and continue earning it to maintain that operation. The Franklin Towne situation shows a different framing, one that is too common in the charter world–once established, the charter doesn’t have to earn its continued existence. It doesn’t need authorization from anyone; instead, authorizers build a case to close down the charter. Authorization to operate, once given, can never be withdrawn without protracted legal battles.

Tennesseans have definitely seen this myth play out. In fact, the authorizing of charter schools at a local level has also been superseded by Gov. Bill Lee’s handpicked charter school commission.

The state commission can force districts to take charters that local elected officials don’t want. And that commission can then allow those charters to stay open – even if they aren’t meeting community needs. Even if they are actually harming the students they take in by way of poor performance.

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A Story About School Lunch Debt

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A Cabal of Privatizers

By voucher and charter and other means, profiteers want access to public school funds

In a recent story in The Education Report, I note that privatizing profiteers are using the rhetoric of the culture wars to gain ground in the quest to access funds meant for public schools.

What’s interesting is that local communities aren’t clamoring for charter schools. Instead, these schools (and also school vouchers) are being pushed by Gov. Lee and a cabal of privatizers who seek to dismantle the public education system.

In the piece, I take a look at work by Jennifer Berkshire and Jack Schneider that seeks to illuminate the current state of the battle over public schools.

As the pair of public education defenders note, the true story of public schools is one that largely looks like success – higher test scores, for one and other outcomes that bode well for society writ large.

But, they say, this is expensive – and deprives oligarchs of an opportunity to turn a profit.

Here’s how they explain it:

It’s very common to hear that our public schools are failing. And it’s very useful rhetoric if you’re running for office, or if you’re a policy elite intent on convincing people that they need you. But it simply isn’t true. If you look at polls, a majority of Americans do believe that the nation’s schools are mediocre; yet that same percentage of people report that their own children’s schools are doing quite well. So, which one are they likely to be more informed about—the schools down the street, which their children attend, or the 98,000 schools they’ve never set foot in? The simple fact is that for the past four decades, since the Reagan administration’s “A Nation at Risk” report, we have been telling ourselves a story about failing schools that doesn’t match reality on the ground. And, by the way, if test scores are the currency that you value, scores are up across that period.

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Tennessee’s Voucher Wars

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The Power of Teacher Strikes

Research says strikes DO lead to increased compensation

In a state like Tennessee, where policymakers continue stagnant investment in teacher compensation, the question arises: How can educators achieve improved pay?

The answer: Strikes!

Yes, state law forbids teacher strikes, but there are ways around such a prohibition (as striking teachers demonstrated in states like West Virginia and Oklahoma).

Peter Greene takes a look at research on the impact of teacher strikes:

In “The Causes and Consequences of U.S. Teacher Strikes” from the National Bureau of Economic Research, authors Melissa Arnold Lyon (SUNY Albany), Matthew A. Kraft (Brown University), and Matthew P. Steinberg (Accelerate) “revisit the question of how strikes affect wages, working conditions, and productivity in the context of the U.S. K-12 public education sector.”

The findings:

Strikes were most often about compensation, and the researchers find that the strikes did produce positive effects, with pay increases following in the post-strike years, regardless of the length of the contract agreement.

image of signs saying "strike"

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A Dispatch from The Education Wars

A look at the battles raging over public education

Public education advocates Jack Schneider and Jennifer Berkshire have a new book called The Education Wars in which they dig deep into the history of the battle over public education – should it even exist? Why do Christians and conservatives seem to be leading the attack on public schools?

The pair spoke with Jeff Hagan of In The Public Interest about the book and about the battle to save public schools:

The education wars are the conflicts over schools that flare up regularly in this country and that are burning particularly hotly right now. Right now, the conflicts are mainly centered on teaching about race and gender, the place of religion in schools, and the role that schools should play with respect to the larger story of civil rights progress in this country. If you delve beneath the surface of any specific battle that’s raging, you’ll almost always find a larger, unresolved question that we’ve been fighting about since the advent of public schools in this country. For example, a lot of your readers probably think that parents’ rights cause is new, invented by groups like Moms for Liberty. But we’ve had repeated waves of parental rights activism in this country, starting with the effort to ban child labor in the early 20th century. Those original parents’ rights activists opposed a ban on child labor because they saw it as overreach by the federal government, while the conservative industry groups that backed the parents were opposed to public education in principle because they saw inequality as not just natural but desirable. Fast forward to the present and we’re basically having the same argument again. When it comes to questions about education, who gets to call the shots? One of the themes of the book is that today’s education wars make a lot more sense when viewed through an historical lens. You also get to see how previous iterations of the education wars have ended. Hint: This is not the first time we’ve seen broad coalitions form to oppose book banning.

Read the full interview.

boy running in the hallway
Photo by Caleb Oquendo on

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On Teacher Pay, Tennessee Falls Short

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A Note on Childless Teachers

The race to the White House takes an odd turn

JD Vance (Donald Trump’s running mate) just won’t stop attacking people who don’t have children.

And he won’t stop causing problems for the ticket – which has enough problems at the top.

Peter Greene takes a look at the latest dustup over remarks Vance made about teachers who don’t have children of their own.

Yet another piece of J. D. Vance foolishness has surfaced, this one a 2021 audio in which he tries to get in a dig at Randi Weingarten by saying that teachers without children , well–

You know, so many of the leaders of the left, and I hate to be so personal about this, but they’re people without kids trying to brainwash the minds of our children. And that really disorients me and it really disturbs me…

It’s a bullshit argument, not the least because it assumes that adult human beings are incapable of caring about children unless they’ve birthed one. Too bad for you, every nun and priest ever. Not to mention that back in the day, pregnancy and motherhood quickly disqualified women from teaching.

It seems there’s a lot that disorients and disturbs Vance – including, in the past, his current running mate.

Now, though, Vance sees Trump as a possible ticket to power – either as the actual Vice President or as someone who becomes a candidate for President in 2028 should Trump lose this year.

Trouble is, this trial isn’t going so well for Vance.

He’s already attacked childless cat ladies – and now, he’s going after teachers who do not have children of their own.

It will be interesting to see what surfaces next.

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The Voucher Wars in Tennessee

Why Won’t Tennessee Cancel School Lunch Debt?

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Bill Lee’s Budget Shortfall

The True Meaning of School Vouchers

Exposing the endgame of school privatization

In a report on Florida’s experiment with full-on school privatization by way of charter schools and vouchers, Peter Greene notes that the endgame for those supporting “school choice” is getting the government completely out of the “education business.” While that may sound great in terms of “free market,” Greene highlights some pretty important implications:

Privatization is not just about privatizing the folks who get to provide education (or education-flavored products). It is about privatizing the responsibility for getting children an education.

Getting government out of education means ending the promise that every child in this country is entitled to a decent education. Regardless of zip code. Regardless of their parents’ ability to support them. Regardless of whatever challenges they bring to the process. 

End that promise. Replace it with a free(ish) market. End the community responsibility for educating future citizens. Put the whole weight of that on their parents. End the oversight and accountability to the elected representatives of the taxpayers. Replace it with a “Well, the parents will sort that out. And if they don’t, that’s their own fault and their own problem.”

This sounds a lot like what Gov. Bill Lee and his legislative allies are attempting in Tennessee.

Gov. Bill Lee promoting school privatization

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The Power of a Name

It’s a matter of respect

Educator and blogger Peter Greene notes that names have power – and especially so for young humans coming into their own:

Names have power, so it makes sense that young humans, who are generally in search of both identity and some amount of power over their own lives, will often try to exert some control over their own names.

Greene says it is not difficult to acknowledge a student’s name preference:

Did I agree with all of them? No more than I agreed with some of my students’ questionable fashion choices. But it cost me nothing to honor these preferences, to give students that small measure of control over their own identities. It was a small thing for me, but a thing that helped make my classroom a safe, welcoming space where we could get on with the work of learning to be better at reading, writing, speaking and listening.

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