TC Weber has something to say to school voucher proponents. And it sounds like he wants them to throw a party.
Just look at his opening:
Dear True Believers,
Y’all got to be excited! Here you sit on the cusp of making history in Tennessee, despite a few pesky parents, educators, newspaper columnists, members of the Tennessee County Commissioners Association, school board members, students, and community members, who can’t appreciate all you do, by this time next week, you’ll be celebrating Tennessee joining the forward-thinking states who have provided a pathway out for all those trapped kids in failing schools. Never mind that vouchers have never worked anywhere else, we all know Tennessee is different. So ignore the haters, this has been a long time coming, and Lord knows, you’ve worked hard for it and deserve it.
He continues in a fashion that would be hilarious if it didn’t contain so many stubborn facts.
More on vouchers:
What TN Can Learn from Louisiana on Vouchers
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